Inbus app

Applications on iOS and Android platforms were developed according to the customer's specifications. We created an interface, simplifying it as much as possible and working it out for user convenience.
InBus functionality was implemented in the form of a user-friendly menu, which includes timetable, tickets, favorites, history, passenger list, and settings.
We developed a personal account that stores such data: user documents, routes, and tickets. Login is done by phone number which significantly saves the user's time.
We introduced the function of saving information not only about oneself but also about fellow travelers. When used further, this functionality speeds up the ticket buying process and improves the user experience.
We created the functionality of searching for tickets by specified categories: departure station, arrival station, departure date, and the number of seats. The application stores information about purchased tickets with the option of refunding them.
We introduced the functionality of viewing complete information about runs - including the route, information about the transport operator, and the vehicle. (bus).
The usability is designed so that the search is convenient, the choice of a ticket and its issuance are fast.
We integrated firebase systems, namely: firebase-auth, firebase-crashlytics, firebase-analytics, firebase-messaging. The integration allows users to store and receive stored information and also has convenient means and methods of interacting with it.
A system of promo codes was added to the application to reduce the cost of the ticket. This marketing tool helps you retain an old customer and attract a new one.
The payment systems Google Pay and LiqPay are also integrated.
INBUS is a direct retailer of bus tickets from all bus stations in Ukraine. They have been in the niche for over 15 years.
Brander coped with the task 100%. We got completely ready-made working applications that allow buying bus tickets in up to 60 seconds.
At this stage, together with the company, we decided to continue working and we are developing not one, but four projects.