IOS App Development Services

It is proven that iPhone owners are more arrogant, disdain Android and don't understand those who use it. They are picky about technology and only want the best apps on their device. Brander knows how to make Apple products that meet these demands. Let's get into the details of the work ahead.


Who Needs It?
First, those who expand their business to the segment of Apple products. The audience is 5 times smaller, but it is loyal when it comes to a quality product. Custom development for the iOS operating system involves serious work with the code, as well as the creation of unique graphical elements and visual design familiar to Apple users.

The iOS apps are suitable for:
Business trading platforms
Educational projects
Business with premium products
Media Portals
Stages of App Development
Let's discuss the details
There's no way to do this without it. We want to know about your business, if not everything, then as much as possible to make the case successful. Tell us everything: your ambitions, plans for the app, and the specifics of the business you're in.
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference will capture everything we discussed in the first point. You will know how much the development will cost and when you can "feel" the project.
Design development stage
The designer will create a mock-up, which won't be functional yet, but will show you how the app should look like in the future. The specifics of Apple products are taken into account. If necessary, we will build on your examples.
The programmer takes everything the designer has done and transfers it to the web. Testing time will depend on how well the work is done.
Even in projects that seem perfectly smooth at first glance, there are always rough edges. We will conduct stress tests to detect and eliminate defects in time. We are satisfied only with a hundred percent operability of the application.

Our Principles


 When making a decision, remember:

  • Brander values your time and money. We won't waste it on trivial matters unless it's required; 
  • Brander is committed to long-term relationships, so every client is a partner and colleague;
  • Brander takes your wishes into account and likes to see them come true;
  • Brander stands for consistency, minimal stress and mutual understanding. This is the atmosphere in which we work best!
What’s Different About iOS?

different about iOS

Complete privacy

Only the users controls access to their personal data. We take this nuance into account when developing apps and do not require users to be overly involved.


The iOS security system is a separate art form. As an argument confirming these words, let us cite one case: Donald Trump, when he took office as President of the United States, changed his favourite Android to an iPhone, arguing that it was precisely security.

Inbuilt super features

Some iOS features make this operating system a premium. Face ID, Touch ID, Siri were all unique tools that allow you to add certain functionality and provide user interaction not available on Android.

The online shop is very lively

There are more than one and a half million applications in the Apple Store. Finding yourself in such a big “family” is a little scary at first, but you'll get the hang of it after a while and become successful, too, being in the company of the best.

How Much Does It Cost?

How Much Does It Cost?

This is the most common question our managers are asked. We answer it on a strictly individual basis. You understand that everyone has different requests, and we can't put the same price tag on all iOS applications. However, we want to emphasize that our price is always balanced and fair, and you will see it in the terms of reference.

An App Is a Great Solution for Your Business

An App Is a Great Solution for Your Business


When a business has a decent online presence, it's hard to ignore. A quality app and decent marketing support works wonders.


With just a website, you won't capture every possible audience. If you have an online shop, you should know that mobile users are much more likely to make spontaneous purchases.


The appearance of an app in the list of advantages of your business will open the opportunity to conquer the market on more favorable terms. The growth of your customer base after downloading an app on the App Store can reach a rate of 15-20%.

Web App vs Mobile App
Web App vs Mobile App
Web Apps

Almost everyone now has a Google Docs extension or AdBlock installed. These are clear examples of web apps.

Mobile apps

These apps can run fully or partially without a network connection. This is where their strength lies

So which option is better?

There is no unambiguous answer, because the web solves some problems and mobile apps solve others. You need to figure out which is better for your business. After that, let's bring the idea to life. We can't wait to get started, can you?

Making an iOS App Together
We know all the peculiarities of the iPhone
There is no sense in developing a product that you will be ashamed of later. That's why our specialists study tonnes of special literature, create dozens of iOS apps and test each one on their own.
We make iOS applications on a turnkey basis
Comprehensive work helps to achieve your goals. If you ordered an app, you will get the result you expected without any obstacles and restrictions.
Full-cycle production
When a client asks for an app, he may realize in the course of development that he also needs marketing support. We are ready to provide him with this.
Post-release support
It is not enough just to develop a quality product, because it still needs to be promoted and delivered to a mass audience. Our team will quickly prepare a customized plan for you.
We will develop an app according to European standards, but with a bias for the domestic market. Don't worry about user convenience, because we do a lot of research for this purpose.
Not always. In some cases, we've developed Android versions for a higher price than iOS, so don't be fooled.
This is an achievable task for us. We advise you to contact Brander's marketing department, they will give you the details.

Projects completed on UpWork


Projects received Honorable Mentions

Mobile App Development for iOS — An Operating System About Prestige

Smart devices have taken over the market, and one in four users spends more than 7 hours on their smartphone every day. iOS app development is a step towards bridging the distance between your product and the customer. Our team fully immerses itself in each project and perfects applications that solve your business problems.

What Kind of Business Requires iOS Mobile App Development

iPhone app development makes your business agile, no matter what the field or direction. Increase the conversion rate with the release of a mobile app on iOS will be able to:

  • eCommerce;
  • service industry;
  • financial companies;
  • B2B;
  • online media;
  • manufacturing companies.

iOS Apps Benefits

App development for iOS have many advantages that make it popular. Here are some of the key advantages of iOS apps:

  1. High profitability. iOS users are generally willing to pay for apps and in-app purchases. This makes the iOS platform attractive to developers, who can get a more stable outcome from the sales of their apps.
  2. Quality and consistency. Apple is committed to maintaining high quality and design standards for custom iOS app development. This encourages the creation of apps with excellent performance and an attractive user interface.
  3. Data protection and security. iOS offers a high level of security and data protection, which is important for users who store personal and sensitive information on their devices. This also creates trust in iOS apps, which is very important.
  4. Wide audience. Even amidst competition from Android, iOS devices remain in demand and have a large market share in the smartphone and tablet market. Developers can reach a large audience with iPhone apps development.
  5. Easy deployment. Apple provides the means to easily and conveniently deploy apps through the App Store. This enables quick delivery of the app to the users without much hassle.
  6. Strong infrastructure. The iOS platform has a strong infrastructure for custom iOS app development services, tools, libraries, and support resources.
  7. Monetization. Apple provides developers with a variety of monetization options, including app sales, subscriptions, in-app purchases and advertising. This allows developers to choose the most appropriate model for their app.

iOS apps have many advantages that make them attractive to iOS app developers and users. These advantages include high profitability, quality and security, a wide audience, and ease of development and deployment.

How Do We Create Applications for iOS?

Developing a mobile application on the iOS operating system is a complex process that consists of six key stages.

Market Analysis and Concept Creation

To create a unique and effective product, you need to fully immerse yourself in its specifics. Mobile application development on iOS is based on a technical specification, so first we meet with the client to discuss the project. Even if you only have an idea, our iPhone app developers will help you to work it out and implement it.


The second stage is the most complex and responsible. First we analyse the target audience, create portraits of potential users, determine the typical behavior of each avatar. After a thorough analysis and understanding of the mobile audience, the first prototypes of interfaces are created. UX specialists write the layout, and only after coordination with the client it is passed on to development.


Comfortable communication of the client with the product depends on UI design, so at this stage our app developers for iOS draw a pleasant interface, creating a unique style of the application. Logo, infographics, animations, icons and other images are rendered at the same stage.

Technical Part

After the product has got a "beautiful face", the technical stage comes. During this stage, the architecture of the application is created. Front-end development consists of logic programming and layout, and back-end — database creation, program structuring and admin panel, as well as other technical components.

Publishing the Application in the Shops

When everything is ready, the testing stage comes. We test the app for iOS for operability and functionality. Only after that, the team prepares the product for publication.

Marketing and Support

We won't quit and we'll always help you. Brander is a full-service company. Brand philosophy, market acquisition concept, content promotion plan, audience reach, customer trust and reputation management are just the tip of the iceberg of our marketing support.

With Us, Clients Get More


iPhone and iPad users are a young and affluent audience: 70% of them make a purchase within 1 hour. The number of purchases through iOS apps is 20% higher than through Android apps.


After developing a mobile app on iOS, we will publish the product in the App Store from our account. As iOS app development company, we can also give practical tips before publishing if you want to launch the project from your account.


If iOS mobile app development is the birth of a new project, publishing it is the beginning of the journey. Our iOS app development agency is fully immersed in your project: from the moment of design to comprehensive promotion. Support, updates, marketing — we will be with you.

Increased Sales

The ability to order something from a mobile device increases the likelihood of a quick purchase.


Mobile application development for iOS brings income not only through increased sales. How to monetize the product? Place advertisements, create an affiliate platform, offer additional functionality or make access to the application paid.

Frequent Questions

What Is the Advantage of Developing Mobile Applications on iOS?

The choice of platform for your project depends on your target audience. If you know that your clients are Apple users, you should not hesitate. Advantages of iOS development: high profitability, level of users' solvency, increased security, stricter selection of programs in the App Store. In the future, the support of applications under iOS will be cheaper.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Mobile Application for iOS?

The cost of iOS mobile application development depends on the complexity of the project. Without a clear TOR, it is difficult to say the exact price. The specifics of the theme, number of screens, complexity of design and functionality affect the final cost. To get a preliminary estimate, fill the form on the website or contact our iPhone app development company.

How Long Does It Take To Develop and Release an App?

The duration depends on the number of screens, functions, design features, specifics and other aspects. The more clearly the requirements are formulated, and the TOR are worked out, the more accurate the preliminary estimate will be.

Publication of the application depends on the App Store. The shop is known for thorough selection and manual moderation of applications, so the publication takes up to several weeks. We follow all the rules for publishing a project so that your customers get to know it as soon as possible.

Can I Follow the Process?

Our iOS app development company in the UK that handles your project is always in touch. You can see mock-ups and prototypes of the app at any stage of development.

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