Ecommerce Web Design Services

The percentage of sales in online shops renews its maximum every reporting year. Retailers claim that it will not be possible to fully switch to online shopping for many years to come, but we can already recognize that the process is unstoppable. Due to the growth of online sales, competition is taking on a scale never seen before, and in particular the competition for the most beautiful design has begun. But remember that beautiful does not mean effective. We will make sure that the design was both visually pleasing and effective.




Why Is Design So Important?
Competition and the annual change of trends make you be always on the cutting edge of attack. The phrase "meet by the clothes" is as old as the world, but it is still relevant. The user, first, needs sites that attract him visually, and only after that the other triggers are triggered. Our task is to make a design where the aesthetic part will not interfere with the selling part. Therefore, our design will take into consideration:
Business features
Preferred color palette
Overall style
Purpose (for selling or for informing)
How Does the Design Process Work?
Getting to know the business
Every businessman imagines himself unique and unrepeatable. We understand and support this, but we emphasize that uniqueness should be reflected in the design of the online shop. To better understand your business, we may need a personal meeting.
Drawing up detailed terms of reference
When it comes to original design or redesigning an outdated resource, we have to involve specialists from different departments. After studying your requirements, we begin to create a document that will reflect the cost, the number of hours of work and the list of employees involved.
The designer finally gets to work
He will develop the interface and all visual elements, based on our familiarization and TOR. It often happens that the designer's independent ideas turn out to be even more interesting than the customer's. But we promise that we will not give the designer too much freedom anyway.
The programmer will bring the designer's work to life
When working with a website for an online shop, the efforts of the designer and the programmer are equally important, so we try not to distract them for nothing and follow only deadlines. There will be no delays or late deliveries!
Brander and Its Advantages


About our designers

We currently have 7 people involved in UX/UI design for websites and apps, with 3 more working on branding. This team with a high entry threshold joined Brander through a rigorous selection process to solve clients' headaches and make them money.

The designers are supported by experienced marketers

Teamwork works wonders. It allows us to develop not only blank designs with beautiful graphics, but also ready-made solutions to drive sales, as well as business performance growth for each quarter.

We'll tell you when to make an update

Let's imagine you've had a design done recently. You are not much versed in this fine art, so you were provided with a result that does not justify the invested costs. We are ready to carry out an express check and correct deficiencies.

We will provide you with a full-cycle service

This means that you can order not only website design, but also marketing support, content filling, business consulting. All services are turnkey, without additional costs, with transparent and clear TOR.

Our Principles

Our principles


At the moment of making a decision, remember:

  • Brander values your time and money. We will not waste them on trifles, unless the business requires it; 
  • Brander is focused on long-term relationships, so every client is a partner and colleague for us;
  • Brander takes your wishes into account and likes to see them come true;
  • Brander stands for consistency, minimal stress and mutual understanding. This is the atmosphere in which we work best!
A quick lending site for your needs doesn't require a complex design, so in such cases we advise templates. But a business like an online shop or a restaurant requires a website that will define the image against competitors and attract customers.
He can, and especially at the beginning of the development. He will help to draw up the right TOR, which will become the foundation for the project.
The criteria are standard, and they look like this: like/dislike; functional/useless; whether it meets marketing needs or not; whether it will be convenient for the client.

Projects completed on UpWork


Projects received Honorable Mentions

Ecommerce Web Design Services

E-commerce website design is a key factor that affects the promotion of a business. First, your target audience finds the site through organic search or advertising, and then goes to the page itself. If the appearance of the site will cause rejection, you can not count on the conversion of the visitor. He will not make the target action, and you will be left without profit. Therefore, it is very important that even at the first stages of work on the site, designers created an attractive design. We will develop a modern design that will enhance your image, as well as ensure loyalty and engagement of online shop users. 

UI/UX Design

UI/UX design is a web design for e-commerce that sets ambitious goals. We don't just make beautiful design for online shops. We study the behaviour of visitors to the site to make its design convenient, motivating. For this purpose, we develop both the design itself and separate "usability chips". Our specialists will develop:

  • information architecture;
  • content design;
  • graphic design;
  • models of interaction with the site.

Why do you need to spend time, money and effort on e-commerce UI/UX design? In today's business, it is impossible to grow and move higher without taking care of your potential customers. It's also impossible to achieve this without emotionally fuelling your CA — you need to give people an experience, and design will help you do that. The work of designers will increase the conversion of CA into customers, and one-time customers into regular customers.

How to Create an Effective and Selling Design?

Create an effective and selling design yourself — it is almost impossible task. Only experienced e-commerce website designers and marketers can fully take into account all factors. When we work on UX/UI design, we solve a number of tasks to consistently achieve the result:

  1. Concept Creation. You can't work on a design by starting with a blank slate. First, we study your brand-voice, the characteristics of your company and target audience. Based on this knowledge, we select the best design solutions. In this process we take into account not only subjective factors, i.e. preferences of your clients, but also objective factors: fashion, trends in design, new possibilities of graphic editors.
  2. Work on graphic website design for e-commerce. First, you need to develop a graphic design for the background of your web pages. They will become the basis for the design of the site as a whole. Here we start from the formed concept, carefully selecting colours, shades, images, placement of text and interactive blocks, sliders.
  3. Working out "usability chips". Many functions on websites, especially for e-commerce, are dynamic. You can't come up with one static design for them, it will look unattractive and stingy. We will come up with solutions that will make any process, such as placing an order in an online shop, not just convenient, but also exciting and visually pleasing.
  4. Block design for content. Even the most high-quality and engaging content will look lost if you place it in the wrong place. Content should always be noticeable, eye-catching, and at the same time its design should fit harmoniously into the overall concept of the e-commerce landing page design. We will think over the structure of the site and the placement of content blocks, based on the convenience of your users and the approved design concept.

There are two basic conditions for creating a quality design: skill and creativity of the performers. Our designers use modern graphic editors, know a lot of "chips", interesting solutions for working online business. There is also a third factor, which is less often mentioned: designers must be in constant contact with each other, with marketers, content managers and other specialists. Our friendly team has created all the conditions for such joint work, which will give you a concrete result — profit and cheaper attraction of leads.

What to Consider at the Stage of Design for an Online Shop?

When you order online shop design from an e-commerce design agency, you will not have to consider many factors yourself, constantly controlling the process. You can simply set the direction of work, learn about the progress of the project by liaising with the project manager. Our specialists will take into account the following factors during the initial development of the design plan:

  • brand style of your company;
  • current trends in design;
  • aesthetic preferences of your target audience;
  • detail design work: each detail on the site should have a special beauty, which will fit into the overall style of the resource;
  • the theme of the online shop: the design should indicate the sphere of your specialization, otherwise it will look alien.

We will study the design experience of your competitors, companies from related spheres, including foreign firms. This is how we search for material to create fresh, creative and workable design concepts.

Different Approach to Different Pages

E-commerce home page design is the digital shopfront of your online business. It's the first impression your potential customers get, so it's crucial to get it right. A well-designed e-commerce home page can make the difference between a visitor bouncing away and a visitor becoming a loyal customer. We will make the layout of your home page clean and intuitive, using a grid system to organize your products or categories logically, and making sure that navigation is easy, with a clear menu and search bar prominently placed.

The shopping cart is the digital basket where customers store their selected items before making a purchase. E-commerce shopping cart design can streamline the buying process and reduce cart abandonment. We will ensure that the shopping cart icon or summary is always visible on every page of your website, so customers can easily access it. In the cart, product images, names, quantities, and prices must be displayed clearly. Also, it is necessary to include options for customers to update quantities or remove items.

E-commerce banner design play a crucial role in conveying messages, promotions, and brand identity on an e-commerce website. We will use high-quality images and graphics that are visually appealing and relevant to your brand or promotions, making sure that they are consistent with your overall website aesthetics.

Our Advantages

Our main advantage: we don't just work on design for e-commerce website, we improve your online business as a system. Turning to our company, you get a turnkey internet marketing service. It is possible to order individual services or full project support by our specialists.

The best way to experience the benefits of Brander is to order turnkey website development. All narrow-profile specialists will be in dialogue, which will help to make a large, full-fledged project with a common idea. Designers will be an important voice in this dialogue, which will help to make the project more attractive to users, promising in terms of promotion on the Internet.

Our company employs experienced designers who have created and are creating diverse projects. Each of them has its own "taste", its own pleasant "aftertaste", and, of course, "zest", which will make your brand recognizable. To make sure of it, just look at the list of online shops for which we have already done e-commerce web design.

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