Wordpress Website Development Services

A quarter of the internet's websites are powered by WordPress. Impressive statistics, isn't it? After familiarizing yourself with the features of the engine, it becomes clear why there is such a frenzy. It is perfectly simple, intuitive even for beginners. Free installation and constant support from the developers are favourable. They promptly give answers, and also regularly expand the list of available technologies. With their help, your already wide range of site features grows exponentially. It's time to find out what this WordPress beast is all about.

I Sell Teapots, Do I Need WordPress?
Yes, and not just for you. WordPress justifies its usefulness in many areas of business. What entrepreneur would not want a website that fully satisfies his needs in selling goods, convenient for the owner and hundreds of his customers? Thanks to WordPress, hundreds grow into thousands, and additional characters appear on the account of the entrepreneur.
We advise WordPress for:
Bloggers (a key audience)
Service-centric businesses
Entrepreneurs of any size
Media portals
Stages of Creating the Right Website
Set the right task, and you will close most of the questions that arise for the development team. You don't want to waste time on exhausting conversations with techno-geeks, do you?
We'll do the tech
Your brief is followed by our planning part. The terms of reference cover all the important issues: price, working time and other details.
The miracles begin
Designers work, programmers work. Together, they understand how to visualize your idea and bring it to life on the web.
Now a copywriter joins the team of designers and programmers. Following the TOR, he fills the site with content. Depending on the task at hand, the 3rd and 4th stage can last up to several weeks.
Nothing can be more important than this stage. We run the site through all possible parameters. We try to understand how it works, whether it can withstand the load, whether it understands requests. Only then can we write to the customer.
Showing our work
It's time to hand in the job. The team, of course, hopes that it will succeed on the first try. In reality, however, there are times when we have to make edits. We are prepared for this, because the main goal is a well-done assignment.
dog with train
A Carload of Benefits
Celebrity status

It is the popularity of WordPress that has led to the fact that today, all well-known hosters work with this engine. Developers are also happy to work on it. Oh, the popularity.


With this level of fame, it is not surprising that the engine is made extremely affordable. Developers mostly begin to master the art of website design with WordPress. Needless to say, we have made hundreds of sites on this CMS?


WordPress is free, from the word "absolutely". Because of this, website development becomes much cheaper, which attracts customers every time.

Modules, themes and plugins

Most of the above is completely free. Paid modules don't cost very much, so the issue of biting price definitely doesn't apply to WordPress. Themes are easily customizable on both empty sites and those already filled with content.

Friendship with search engines

WordPress wouldn't be so popular if it weren't for competent SEO optimization, which allows the CMS to become friends with search engines. How do you benefit from it? The first line in the output, indexation of links and a place in the heart of everyone who chooses your resource.

WordPress Can Do a Lot of Things and More
Best for blogs

Do you dream of a blog that supports sections, comments, markup, multifunctional search? You definitely need WordPress with all its features.

The control panel is a separate buzz

It allows you to activate the tree comments popular on Reddit, as well as set up customer support, number of requests, views, and other statistical mishmash.

Online photo editor

Yes, yes! The latest versions of WordPress allow you to change the images on your site directly online. If you are confident in your abilities, you can do it yourself, but if you need help, write to Brander masters.

Automatic update

Agree, in 2022 nobody wants to update something by themselves. Everyone likes it when the software itself understands what its owner needs. This is exactly the case here. Search and installation are done via an intuitive control panel.


Our Principles

At the moment of decision, remember:

  • Brander values your time and money. We won't waste it on trivial matters unless the job requires it.
  • Brander is focused on long-term relationships, so every client is a partner and colleague to us.
  • Brander takes your wishes into account and loves it when wishes come true.
  • Brander for consistency, minimal stress and understanding. This is the atmosphere in which we work best!
Why Are We Brighter Than the Others?
Brander delivers on promises
We won't promise you a golden mountain if you don't see it at the end of the job. What we can promise is perfectionism, because our team is so in love with the process that they hone it to perfection. Sometimes this leads to bouts of "wow effect" in the client.
We are a full-service team
With us, it is much easier to create a successful business, because you don't need to look for additional outsourced companies. We do branding, make videos, and produce unique content. You will realize that one website is not enough, and you need a full range of services, and we will be happy to provide it.
Individuality is our everything
That's why we try to bring it out in you. Thanks to our client-centred approach, we have achieved a lot of insights that have made our projects not just successful, but unique.
Post facto support
We made a website for you, but our co-operation should not stop there. Brander specialists offer to develop a strategy for promoting your business, with all that entails. Once you start, it will be impossible to stop. We will become colleagues!
No! WordPress is tried and tested and moderate. It doesn't cost much to develop, has been tested in hundreds of attempts, and hasn't failed in a single case.
Multipage and complex sites are better done on another CMS, but believe me, WordPress can surprise you. You should not consider it as a purely blogging site.
We've already got our hands on it, but sometimes tasks come with an asterisk, and even on WordPress they stretch over several weeks. So, it's worth starting from the brief and the terms of reference.

Projects completed on UpWork


Projects received Honorable Mentions

The Most Popular CMS Is WordPress

WordPress website development is one of the services Brander provides. More than 36% of existing websites are created on CMS WordPress, which makes this system the leader among the engines. Multilingualism, versatility, multifunctionality, intuitive management — an iceberg of reasons why our clients order a site on WordPress.

When Should You Choose WordPress?

Creation of a site on WordPress opens up new opportunities for the development of your activities in the digital space. Except for an online shop with a large assortment, this engine is suitable for almost any purpose:

  • corporate website creation;
  • promo sites;
  • portfolio of a studio or an individual specialist;
  • a business site for presentation;
  • blog for personal branding.

What Are the Benefits of Creating a Website on WordPress?

WordPress is one of the most popular engines for developing web resources of different orientation and formats. There are several reasons why WordPress website developer provides relevant and optimal technology for many solutions:

  • making a turnkey WordPress site is possible on any topic and any format, the exception will be large online shops, but there are solutions there too;
  • intuitive system, so you can easily make changes with administrator rights;
  • the engine gives a lot of features, opportunities, functionality for programmers, so that the site turned out cool, understandable, useful;
  • multilingual resource — the price of development will not affect, but will allow you to cover more potential customers.

Stages of Creating WordPress Sites

Getting to Know Your Business

For each project, our WordPress website development agency allocate a team of specialists, because the creation of sites is a complex process. We study your idea, business, competitors, target audience. Our team works not only with a full-fledged task. If you have an idea for a web service, but have no idea how to implement it, tell us about it. Our portfolio includes projects that we have created with clients from idea to full-fledged product.

Development of TOR

Every case of WordPress website development services is a new story for our team. To be able to create a working product, after getting to know your business, we create a TOR. This is a technical specification (documentation), which contains all the wishes and requirements of the client for efficient and fast work. In essence, it is a step-by-step instruction for turning your idea into reality.


If the client experiences positive emotions at the first contact with the portal, then the project is successful. To ensure that positive emotions were always there, the development of a site on WordPress is based on the analysis of your target audience. So, the layout of the service is written UI/UX: all possible avatars of users are taken into account, each possible scenario is analysed, the logic of the resource is built. At this stage, a working prototype is immediately tested to prevent possible errors.

Design and Content

Design is the silent representative of your company in the virtual space. Open source development opens up a variety of paid and free themes with additional effects. Our WordPress website development company can put together the best ideas specifically for your business. We will also help you with text and visual content.

Backend and Frontend Development

WordPress is an open source system, so it is faster to create a website. In addition, the technology is regularly updated and improved, which affects site acceleration and audience loyalty. We will customize the functionality of the pages and their usability. Our backend WordPress website developers in the UK will help with the organization and storage of data, configure the interface, process the information that will be displayed on the page. Frontend developers will help to adjust the appearance of the portal.

QA Testing

Before launching a custom WordPress website development project, we test it. To identify all the bugs and problems and fix them immediately. Only after testing and fixing bugs, when we have an adaptive and functional resource in front of us, your potential clients will see it.


We don't leave our clients behind after development. Brander is a full-service company, so after creating a site on WordPress, our team of marketers is engaged in its promotion. Do you want a cool detachment from competitors, catchy adverts and tasty texts?

With Us, Customers Get More

Easy and Clear Website

After successful WordPress website design and development, you can easily change information, add news, share a photo. Customers will quickly find your contacts, make an application or get involved. If necessary, our managers will help with content management on the resource.

Publication and Support

We will publish the web service ourselves or help with practical recommendations. Our software wizards are always in touch: we provide technical support for projects after their publication, help with updates. Even if the site was not created by our developers, we can allocate a team of specialists for you.


As a WordPress website developer in London and other cities of the UK, we can say that every year, the number of internet-users grows. On average, it is 7%. With your own website, your potential audience will increase and your reputation as a representative company will be strengthened. Information should be regularly updated, then conversion will not drop.

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