Each of us is unique, and together we are Brander. We love what we do, believe in ourselves, make projects better and grow together

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Web-Analyst & PPC Specialist
Kirill Yarmak

At Brander since 2017.

"The most important change that happened to me was that I developed very strongly in a direction in which I never imagined that I would work."

"I wish newcomers to learn to set goals so that they have motivation to achieve them, and therefore to grow."

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PPC Team Lead
Artem Orekhov

At Brander since 2017.

"My life has changed dramatically over these 4 years. Here I built my team and I had more sense, desire to do what I love."

"In Brander, everyone understands you and you understand everyone."

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Media Buying Team Lead
Rostislav Chernyadev

At Brander since 2018.

"Since I joined the company, life has changed for the better. I grew up as a specialist, became a team leader, built a team and achieved what results that motivates me and my colleagues."

"Association with the company? Brander drives changes!"

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Olga Raleva

At Brander since 2021.

"I am proud of every project. After all, I invest a part of myself, showing the quality of the product and the quality of work."

"The opinion about the company is only getting better. And the company is really associated with development. 10 out of 10 happy here."

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Anna Vakulenko

At Brander since 2021.

"Brander is a good company to start with. Getting started here is very easy."

"My life has changed a lot with the company. I became happier. I love my job and I don’t need motivation to do it."

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iOS developer
Daria Koshkina

At Brander since 2021.

“Association with the company in one word? For me, this is development now.”

“And most of all in my work I like reaping the fruits of success and, of course, communicating with the team.”

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Flutter Developer
Roman Stakhovsky

At Brander since 2021.

"Before Brander, I was not a mentor, I had to study more myself in order to help and train juniors."

"I like clean code, I like perfecting it. It motivates to work and exceed the plan."

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Middle Android Developer
Evgeny Dodin

At Brander since 2020.

"I love my job. I like dealing with complex problems and develop myself."

"The opinion about the company from the first meeting has not changed for the worse. It has only got better, I feel as comfortable as possible here. I want to go to work."

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Copywriting Team Lead
Alina Timofeyenko

At Brander since 2019.

"I became a Ph.D. And I thank the company for helping me achieve this while keeping my job".

"We have grown a lot. And now I meet new people in the corridor very often. It's cool".

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Digital Marketer
Yevgeniy Chernopyatko

At Brander since 2020.

"I am motivated by interesting projects and our team, we all get on well with each other and there are no problems with communication."

"First impression of Brander? Cool. Really cool, the company has a great office and large-scale projects."

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PM Marketing
Alina Znaichenko

At Brander since 2021.

"I love my job for the opportunities it gives. I really enjoy working with the SEO team. I like working with the structure of the website and planning convenient usability."

"What makes us different from other companies? The team. The team and the kind of people who work here."

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Magento developer
Dmitry Pavlyuk

At Brander since 2018.

"Each project is hundreds, sometimes thousands of hours of work of a large team and it is impossible to say that I am not proud of some project. All projects are cool and I am proud of absolutely all the ones I took part in."

"There are no difficulties in communication. All the guys are great, everyone understands each other, and that's great."

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Sales Manager
Alexandra Dulina

At Brander since 2021.

"How happy am I at work? 9 out of 10. There is no limit to perfection".

"Most of all in my work I like socializing and communicating. I like that I'm not attached to any department. I don't sit still, I communicate with all departments. I really like it. I also like that I constantly get new knowledge. That's cool".

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Android Developer
Andrey Basanets

With Brander since 2020.

"What I like most about my work is a friendly team and the ability to solve complex problems."

"When I got into Brander, I was completely inexperienced. I had no experience even in production. But a year later, I can be called a high-grade developer."

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PPC Specialist
Maksim Belovol

With Brander since 2020.

"Since joining the company, my life has changed dramatically. This is my first job in the IT field and I've learned a lot of new things. I have grown as a specialist."

"Association with the company in one word? Opportunities. Brander gave me a lot of opportunities."

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Front End developer
Oleg Korzh

With Brander since 2019.

"In Brander, I do what I love and I don't need the motivation to go to work."

"From the first day, I really liked the company and I have not changed my opinion."

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Python Developer
Nikita Yatsura

With Brander since 2020.

"Brander is my first company. That's where I got a job, increased my network, and improved my programming skills."

"I think that a friendly team and a cool office make us stand out from other companies"

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PM Mobile
Valeriya Klochko

With Brander since 2020.

"Brander gives great basics and teaches very well."

“From the moment I came here, life has changed to a great extent. I came with practically no experience, and thanks to the help of colleagues, I have grown very much this year. Plus, I have made many good acquaintances."

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React Developer
Artem Pivovar

With Brander since 2019.

"Initially, I did not think I would work here for a long time. But the first impression was wrong."

"Over time, my life changed dramatically and for the better. I didn't even expect myself to become a cool developer. A mentor and the company helped me with this".

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SEO Team Lead
Elena Valentinova

At Brander since 2020.

"It rarely happens in the company that one day is similar to another. There is no routine, there is something new every day. It is inspiring."

"I don't need motivation to go to work. I believe that if you need motivation, you don't do the job that is right for you."

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IOS Developer
Andrey Proskurin

At Brander since 2019.

"First I had to develop my communication skills, but now it is communication that motivates me to go to the office every day".

"What do I associate with the company? - Brander is me!".

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Android Team Lead
Aleksey Sarapin

At Brander since 2014.

"After the first two months of working at Brander, I was inspired. Despite the fact that the company was small, the specialists were highly-qualified. I saw the room for growth and changed my opinion from the first meeting."

"Now the company has grown a lot, both in quality and quantity. We compete and develop at the national level. We make ​quality products for both giants and small businesses."

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Android Developer
Symon Babikyan

At Brander since 2019.

"With the previous company, I experienced a serious stagnation, whereas Brander develops, hears, wants and tries to do everything better."

"How has my life changed with Brander? - Everything good has doubled."

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Android Developer
Roman Bogdan

At Brander since 2017.

"My main motivation for working at Brander is flexible hours, decent salaries and a great team."

"I wish beginners to feel free to ask questions to their mentors, read the official documentation and rent an apartment closer to work, this saves a lot of time and effort."

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Sales Director
Olesya Bykova

At Brander since 2011.

"How has my life changed since I joined Brander? To be honest, utterly. Before the interview, I was skeptical about website development. As well as about the position of a sales-manager. But I haven't been able to leave for 10 years since I joined. It is interesting and challenging here, but you are not just a seller who sells apples, you sell business solutions."

"100% creative people work here."

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Mobile Project Manager
Alina Voronkova

At Brander since 2020.

"My motivation for coming to the office is interesting projects and a friendly team, which is actually a second family."

"Over a year of work in the company, I have developed a very important sense of responsibility. It helps a lot to deliver projects on time."

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eCommerce Project Manager
Ilona Kovaleva

At Brander since 2012.

"What was your first impression of Brander? - A big small family. And now it's already a huge company."

"If you wish, they will give you the opportunity to grow. Try yourself in something new. You were a salesman and became a PM and vice versa. Google, read, ask. Be engaged - and this will interest both the company and other employees."

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Marketing Project Manager
Sergey Kuz'menko

At Brander since 2019.

"From the first meeting, the opinion about the company has changed a lot for the better. From uncertainty at the beginning to full understanding and desire to be a part of Brander."

"Before, I just went with the flow. Now I solve problems on my own."

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Symfony Developer
Sergey Kovalev

At Brander since 2017.

"I am a person with a rational mindset. First of all, money motivates me to go to work, and second - a good team."

"Even if people change in Brander, the atmosphere does not change."

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PPC Specialist
Nikita Panin

At Brander since 2020.

"What skills did you have to develop? These are communication with big clients, time automation and patience."

“I'd like to wish beginners to be more diligent and feel free to seem stupid."

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Head of Marketing Department
Nikita Alexandrov

At Brander since 2018.

"I have grown a lot with Brander. I believe that joining the company gave me an impetus to develop as a specialist and as a person."

"I think my main hobby is work."

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