Sushiya | SEO
Japanese restaurant chain in Ukraine

Region of activity


Period of work


Project before the start of work

  • 32 Japanese restaurants in 11 Ukrainian cities
  • 15+ years in the niche
  • 350,000+ offline visitors monthly

Project team

Allot Dmytro
Olena Bohdantseva

Project description

Completed tasks:

The main problem of the old website version was the impossibility of promotion in various cities of Ukraine.

We've switched from the old structure to the new one: we checked the compliance with the requirements of the new site, made a redirect map, and sent the new structure to index.
We've conducted internal optimization: collected and clustered the semantic core for the pages of priority cities, terms of reference for texts based on the collected semantics were compiled; wrote meta tags.
We carried out external optimization: we compiled an anchor list, prepared technical specifications for the creation of press releases, and found trusted donors for posting articles.
The main page is “tailored” for different cities, which is absolutely not competitive in this niche.

It was decided to make a breakdown into cities: the main domain—for Kyiv, the rest of the cities - in subfolders.

Pre Release

Work we've successfully done:

  1. Created SEO requirements for the website
  2. Checked the website for compliance with SEO requirements
  3. Sent Tech task to developers
  4. Checked the edits on the test website;
  5. Check the "live" website for compliance with SEO requirements.
  6. We sent the website for forced indexing and tracking errors in the Search Console.

Usually, “gluing” a new and an old structure can take months, with the huge drawdown in traffic and leads.

Thanks to the expansion of the structure, the release was correct and without technical errors. We were able to launch the project into release as efficiently as possible.

Thanks to multi-regionality, we were able to optimize landing pages for each region, significantly expand the structure of the site, increase its internal weight and, most importantly, get leads from regions from organic!

Moving from the old structure to the new one

The new structure is more user-friendly and intuitive. In each region, products and categories are completely duplicated, but meta tags and content are unique.

We set up a page-by-page 301 redirect from the old URLs to the new ones.

Post Release

We were focused:

  • to increase the crawl budget
  • on accelerating the transition to a new structure
  • on accelerating the indexing of new landing pages and their promotion to the TOP.
  • in comparison, 2018 and 2019-2020—after the release for the same period.



Our Conclusion

  • It is important to do SEO before the website is ready for work.
  • Otherwise, then we correct the errors and could delay the growth of the project for months and even years.
  • Involving a specialist at the development stage, we save time and money on "rework" and cleaning the search results from "garbage".
Andriy Bala
Andriy Bala
Project manager eCommerce department
Through careful planning and the hard work of our team, we were able to achieve the results that the client expected.






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