Chudo Ostrov App

We developed a cardholder - turned plastic loyalty cards into virtual ones. Thanks to the application, the company no longer issues plastic cards - which significantly reduces their consumption.
Cardholder for "Chudo Ostrov" is a personal card in the application, with the ability to monitor the bonus account and be aware of all discounts. On average, a customer registers a card in 30 seconds.
The online card has a personal bonus number. It is impossible to lose it and it is always at hand.
We introduced information into the personal account: about the store, about the rules of participation in the program, support, language.
We added purchase history and bonus history. Offline purchases are also tracked in the app.
We added push notifications about changes in the store, products, promotions, and openings of offline points.
We developed the functionality of free shipping and promotions. This allows tagging the product with a free shipping label. The checkout shows the amount from which the goods will be delivered for free.
We added the functionality of identifying an outlet. In the "Map" section the application shows the nearest store. Additionally, there is a list of all shops in the city with contacts. By clicking on a store, you can map a route and get to it.
"Chudo-Ostrov" is a chain of physical toy stores. We’ve been in the niche for over 10 years.
The developed website helped us to refocus and start selling online.
And the application solves two tasks at once: working with the existing client base and providing functionality that allows us to use the application in the future to build this base.