Vuex is a centralized state storage for all routes and components used in a web application. Each of them will request data from State Management and then return the changed data. This reduces the number of errors and increases system security.

Vuex is a State Management pattern and library for Vue.js. This module will store the data of each component of the web application and record the rules by which its state can change.
Vuex is an official add-on to the Vue.js framework that integrates seamlessly with it and, in addition to its main state management function, also allows you to create data state snapshots, as well as tools for testing and debugging a web application.
Vue.js is a JavaScript framework for developing user interfaces and single-page web applications. It is currently the third most popular framework after Angular and React. It is a powerful and versatile framework designed for rapid prototyping of complex dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Vue.js is still a young technology, so its basic build contains only the necessary minimum for development. At the same time, the framework is very flexible and easily integrates with other javascript libraries. The ability to connect solutions only for the necessary functions makes Vue.js web applications lightweight, productive, and scalable. Vuex is one of the add-ons to the framework that simplifies, automates, and systematizes data processing.
To retrieve data from a state, developers write getters, mutation setters to pass the changed state back, and actions that do not change the state but "mutate" it. All of this allows the application to automate data processing as much as possible, and simplifies the work of developers several times. If you don't use Vuex and store information about states somewhere else, you'll have to write memory-cleaning tools yourself, invent getters and setters, methods for extracting specific information, customize the work on different pages, and so on. Weeks reduces the work to a minimum of two lines of code and does all of the above automatically and without errors.
Vuex doesn't have to be one big document. With this tool, you can split your repository into several convenient parts. To do this, you just need to create a new directory or several, properly label them, showing Vuex that it now has new repositories. This is convenient for structuring data and working together on a project.
One of the advantages of Vue.js is the virtual DOM, which restores only those UI components whose state has changed. Vuex supports this reactivity by default, automatically triggering changes to the DOM. If you store data outside of it, you need a separate function to track changes, and the page will be redrawn completely in any case, which worsens the loading speed and prevents you from using an important advantage of the framework.
Vue.Js can also be used without Vuex, especially in simple web applications. Moreover, the framework community has already created at least two dozen alternative state management modules that are freely available on github.
Vuex is a must-have for your application if you plan to develop your project. It's better to start using one standard recommended by the platform right away, even if you don't need it yet, than to "insert crutches" and redesign the entire system later. Clear management mechanisms with a common methodology will make the team's work easier in any case, especially if it grows with the project.