

React is a JavaScript library used for UI (user interface) development and is responsible for how your web application will look like. React is open source, created by Facebook, which actively develops it together with the community. In particular, the library is used in React Native, a technology for creating native and hybrid applications for iOS and Android.

MVC and libraries

It is impossible to develop a web application using React alone - this library is designed to perform only part of the tasks. These programs are divided according to the MVC (Model-View-Controller) scheme. According to this scheme, the Controller interprets the user's action and notifies the Model. It changes the state in accordance with his commands, and the View reflects these changes for the user. This is a convenient logic that allows you to modify each component independently of the others. React is used to build the View, the front end of the site, and all other components of the web application are written using other libraries for the same programming language.

The React library can be added to any Javascript website to create the entire interface or small parts of it. The second option is to choose a full-fledged MVC framework for JavaScript with templates, rules, and its own libraries, such as Angular.

3 reasons to choose React for your web application
Beautiful and comfortable 1 / 3

React, as a flexible declarative library, does not limit you in the design of a web application. If you need to create a unique user interface, React is the best choice. Developers will only need to describe how each part of the interface looks in different states, and the library will change them when it receives the right command.

Fast and productive 2 / 3

React makes a website not only beautiful but also productive. The virtual DOM, an important advantage of the library, is responsible for this. With it, the site can update only those parts of the page that need to be changed. The structure of the previous version is stored in the memory of the web application, which allows you to compare it with the new state of the interface. Server-side rendering is also important. In practice, the loading speed of your web application components will not depend on the power of the device on which the user opened it. Besides, javascript is suitable for some non-standard tasks, except for converting HTML code into images in the browser. It can be used to display dynamic graphs or make an application isomorphic so that the server can render pages for initial loading and the user sees the content, not the “Loading” splash screen.

Good for a startup and more 3 / 3

React can be used in web applications of any scale, but it is in small, single-page applications with growth prospects that it performs best. In particular, startups choose it because of its easy payback. Moreover, React websites are highly appreciated by Google search bots, which, like users, like the user-friendly interface and experience it provides.

Why developers choose React

React is the most popular Javascript library. Stack Overflow developer surveys, Google search statistics, GitHub, and other sources show a steady increase in demand for the technology and developers. Flexible, lightweight, and productive, React is used by Facebook and many other well-known companies, from Netflix, where it adapts content for TVs with low performance, to Instagram, where it is even responsible for geolocation. Brander knows how to use all the advantages of the library to make a web application convenient, beautiful, and productive.