

OkHttp is an efficient HTTP client for Android and Java applications. It was developed as an alternative to the APIs built into the SDK, which are less functional and difficult to use. Now OkHttp is practically the default solution for working with HTTP in Android applications.

All projects need an HTTP client to manage network requests that use a variety of services. Both those that are directly needed for the application to work and are hosted on your server, and those that track statistics, such as ads, and other auxiliary ones.

Two reasons why developers choose OkHttp
Advanced features of the box

OkHttp supports HTTP/2 and SPDY so that requests to the same host can exchange sockets. If they are unavailable, you can reduce the waiting time by merging requests. A GZIP file compression/extraction utility reduces the weight of the downloaded information in a simple and transparent way, and response caching prevents unnecessary network load during repeated requests.

Working with asynchronous requests

OkHttp makes it very easy to describe networking in a separate thread with a minimum of code. This is even if you need to add download cancelation, connection merging, and other functions that may load the system. It supports both synchronized blocking calls and asynchronous calls with callbacks so that your developers can optimize the application for different situations.


OkHttp is a library for working with HTTP in Android and Java projects. It is responsible for implementing the interaction between client applications and web servers.

OkHttp has been officially recognized by Google as a handy tool for Android application development since 2015, and it is now used in the vast majority of projects. It is a technology for optimizing the performance of your application, without which it is impossible to organize fast, efficient, and reliable interaction with web services. Backend developers love it and know how to use it, so you should trust them if they recommend OkHttp for your project.