

Next.js is a framework for server-side rendering of web applications in React. It is one of the most popular add-ons to this JavaScript library. With its help, it is easy to create productive and search engine optimized websites that will appeal not only to crawlers but also to users.

Next.js makes the most of React, supports TypeScript and complex routing, and provides additional features out of the box. With this framework, you can create a web application of any complexity from scratch or gradually modernize your old site to make it load faster and work more stably.

What React and Next.js are and when to use them

React is a JavaScript library used for UI (user interface) development. It is one of the most popular technologies for this language, but not quite a full-fledged framework. React is responsible for the program's interface, how it will look like, while its other components are written using other libraries and frameworks, such as Next.js. It adds hybrid static and server-side rendering to the application, as well as a set of other useful features that simplify development.

Some server-side rendering frameworks are also available in other popular JavaScript framework libraries for user interfaces. For example, Vue, one of React's closest competitors, has Nuxt.JS, which performs exactly the same function.

5 reasons to use NextJS for your application

Next.js is more than just a framework for server-side rendering. It's a powerful system for developing high-load web applications. With it, you get access to all the benefits of React, the most popular JavaScript library, and many other unique features. All of them work for the same purpose: to simplify development and create a web application that will appeal to users and search robots alike.