Kotlin is a programming language for Android that became official in 2016. It was created by JetBrains as a convenient alternative to Java (the first programming language for Android) for developers, which means it is profitable for their customers. The creators took all the best from the basis and even the name Kotlin - a reference to the name of an island in the Gulf of Finland, like Java, an island in Indonesia.
In general, Kotlin for Android is like Swift for IOS - a young, powerful and easier language to learn than classic Java in terms of syntax and learning. You can write in Kotlin for all devices running on different versions of the Android OS, from proprietary builds of smartphones and tablets to laptops, TVs, smartwatches, and more unusual gadgets.
Nowadays, every second app in the PlayMarket is based on Kotlin. Examples: the Android versions of Uber, Atlassian, Pinterest, Evernote, and other popular software are written in Kotlin. Google is actively promoting the young language, helping Kotlin developers learn it from scratch or try new features. Programmers, in their turn, have been increasing the popularity of Kotlin for several years in a row, raising it higher in the list of the 5 best, simplest, and most popular programming languages.
Android has always been and remains a more flexible OS than all Apple systems. With Kotlin, features from widgets to integrations with other apps that your developers can use open up many more possibilities for realizing the most unusual ideas.
Programming in Kotlin allows you to create a customized, unique interface that still provides a user experience that meets expectations. For several years now, Android has been releasing guidelines for developers to help them make the interface compliant with Material Design rules, which means it is intuitive and gets good ratings from users.
Android is the OS for flagship and very low-cost devices, and Kotlin, a language that allows you to distribute the load on the processor and operating system, enables your application to run quickly and stably on any gadget. The Lazy Loading function, which loads only the most necessary content of the program at first, shows the best aspects of Kotlin in action. The user does not need to wait long for all the data to load, he will start using the application almost immediately, and it will gradually pull up secondary resources unnoticed by the user.
Kotlin is an open-source programming language with an ever-growing community of developers. Your team of programmers won't have to write all the application functionality from scratch - you can find ready-made solutions in a common base and adapt them to your project. This increases the speed of development and also allows you to quickly report a bug to the language developers and get a fix.
The amount of code in Kotlin will be 40% less than when using Java, its syntax is much simpler and clearer, and the development itself is more consistent. This allows you to write programs, fix bugs, and add new features faster while working in a team.
Kotlin development is carried out in compliance with clear rules. The system is focused on detecting non-obvious errors, in particular, Null Pointer Exceptions, the main cause of Java bugs. In practice, the use of Kotlin is guaranteed to reduce the likelihood of an application crashing by 20%.
If your developers have Java code, they can automatically convert it to Kotlin or use them together, combining modules with ready-made tools. All Java libraries and frameworks integrate perfectly with Kotlin. Thus, you can write a new program or extend the functionality of an existing program, while they will not complicate its operation and maintain stability. Moreover, each new version of Kotlin is backward compatible with the previous ones, which makes programming in Kotlin even easier - developers do not need to work with several versions at once and edit the code when a new one is released.
Kotlin is a new standard for Android development. It is fast, convenient, and actively developing. With Kotlin, it's easy to write programs, even with unusual functionality, that work stably on hundreds of different devices and are user-friendly.