

HTML is a hypertext markup language consisting of tags that describe how the content of a page should be displayed in a browser. It is a framework that is used for all websites and web applications, regardless of the technologies used and their complexity. Its task is to explain to the browser what needs to be shown to the user - where each element should be located.

CSS is also a markup language, but its task is to explain how each HTML element should look.

Simply put, HTML is about formatting: lists, tables, paragraphs, and forms. CSS is about colors, backgrounds, fonts, and icons.

HTML and CSS, how it works:
  • The user goes to the page in the browser;
  • The browser sends a request to the page address and receives an html file with links to the style files in response;
  • The browser processes the markup code and displays the visual content of the site.
HTML and CSS functions

In its most general form, HTML defines where an element will be located on the page, and CSS defines how it will look. But there are a number of nuances.


The main component of HTML is an element. For example, text content between the opening and closing tags. Elements can be nested within each other, for example, if you want to make text both underlined and in a separate paragraph. Elements can also have attributes - additional information that does not need to be displayed but can be used for reference. For example, to set one style for all content with this attribute on the site. Empty elements, without content and a closing tag, are used to upload, for example, images. HTML describes the following elements:

Text markup

headings, paragraphs, lists, references, as well as fonts, their sizes, and layout;


links to images with the alt attribute, which describes what the text depicts on them;

Other elements

tables, blocks, and forms.


CSS is added to an HTML file as a reference to the <head> element. It contains everything that should be on the page but is not included in the content category. In addition to cascading style sheets, this will include, for example, the Description seo tag with a description of the page for search engines.

The table itself consists of design rules, also known as styles - a selector and a declaration for it. The first part defines the parts of the HTML file that the rule will apply to, and the second part describes the style. CSS includes unusual fonts, background colors for blocks, icons for lists, buttons, icons, additional design elements on the site, but not only. In style sheets, you can specify different rules for displaying elements when conditions are met. For example, changing the appearance of a button when you hover over it, and so on.


Web designers are responsible for layout of pages for the browser. They are essential members of front-end teams that work on creating the user interface of your web application.

Without HTML, none of the pages of the site will be displayed in the browser, and without CSS, the content will look like a bare frame with content. Nowadays, HTML5 and CSS3 are considered to be the current versions, not all of whose functions are supported by all browsers. Markup languages have more and more opportunities to design original user interfaces and create a good user experience for your customers.