

Flutter is a cross-platform development framework for Android and iOS applications created by Google. It is one of the youngest platforms that uses an original way to create native apps and the proprietary Dart programming language.

Flutter is a fast and functional tool ideal for prototyping and creating applications with a cool UI/UX. You can create a working prototype for a simple startup in a few hours, and if you use all the fine-grained interface settings, your users will get a convenient, intuitive, and beautiful application that they will want to share their experience with others.

3 reasons to choose Flutter for app development
Native 1 / 3

Нативними (від англ. "Native" — рідний) називаються додатки, що написані на офіційних мовах операційної системи, компілюються та виконуються в процесорі пристрою. Наприклад, Swift та Objective-C — нативні для iOS та інших операційних систем Apple. Фреймворки, такі, як Flutter можуть тільки імітувати нативність та роблять це по-різному. Наприклад, React Native перетворює вихідний код JavaScript в нативний. Flutter, що написано на фірмовій Google мові Dart, буквально малює на екрані вашого смартфона нативні, звичні користувачеві, елементи інтерфейсу. Такий підхід забезпечує максимальну ідентичність нативним додаткам: ви отримаєте не тільки точно такі як в айфоні або смартфоні на андроїд меню або навігацію, але також зображення анімації, захист з faceID та touchID, а також навіть роботу жестами. З Flutter ваша кросплатформна програма не буде виглядати, як сайт, "упакований" в окрему програму.

Savings 2 / 3

Flutter, like any cross-platform framework, saves time and money. You don't have to pay two development teams to write, test, and fix iOS and Android apps in different languages. Dart programmers will write one common code base and change it slightly, by about 30%, for the versions for iPhones and all other Android smartphones. The main difference between them will be in the interface components to make the application look native on both platforms. The overall savings on development with Flutter are 20-50%, depending on how complex and unusual your application is.

Speed 3 / 3

Instead of JavaScript, Dart gave Flatter the ability to compile to binary code. In practice, this means that your app will perform operations as fast as Swift and Kotlin, the most powerful and newest native languages for iOS and Android, respectively. The speed of development on Flutter is also impressive: you'll get a finished project for two platforms at once in the time it would take to launch on only one of them.

Why developers choose Flutter

Flutter is a mobile development that is suitable for any project, without exception. It is ideal for startups, but it will also be a good solution for medium and large businesses. Although this is a young framework, its capabilities have already been used by Airbnb and Uber, as well as hundreds of lesser-known companies. Fast and stable performance, GPU, and UI/UX tools ensure that the Google-developed framework will only become more popular.

Mobile applications
Mobile applications

We develop applications that solve business tasks of clients and make users’ lives easier. Even if these tasks are a daunting challenge. We deliver them to every single smartphone.