

Bing Ads is a platform for setting up ads on the world's second most popular search engine. Microsoft owns Bing, Yahoo! and AOL, and allows you to manage ads not only on them, but also on partner sites from one account. Bing advertising works very well in the US, especially in highly competitive niches, and is beneficial for limited budgets.

4 reasons to launch contextual advertising on Bing

For example, Google holds 91% of the global search engine market, but Bing and Yahoo! (part of Microsoft's search engines, along with AOL) have the next largest share of 5.5%. In the US, however, the percentage distribution is quite different. Bing is used by more than 60 million people (34% of all users), half of whom are over 45, married, and earn $100,000 or more per year. Accordingly, there is a significant category of goods and services that are of interest to such buyers. For example, the conversion rate of real estate ads on Bing is twice as high as on Google, and its price is four times lower. Of course, before launching an ad, you need to analyze your target audience, but Bing will help you navigate the first stage - they have a service on their website that shows how effective existing campaigns are in various areas.

Price per click

Contextual advertising on Bing for any segment will be cheaper than on Google. This is especially critical if you operate in a highly competitive niche, such as medical or legal services. Bing's CPC (cost per click) is on average 60% lower.

Partner network and time zones

There are two more points of customization and promotion where Bing is better than Google. First, Bing has a huge partner network in the US and beyond, and you can run a campaign on Bing and Yahoo!, on partner sites, and even on other search networks simultaneously. In the analytics tab, you will see the effectiveness of cooperation and can immediately remove those partners who do not drive traffic. In addition, you won't need to manually change the display time settings for each country and time zone, as they are automatically adjusted to the optimal ones for the user's location.

The usual setting

Bing Ads is built on the same principle as the old version of Google Ads and is very similar to it. If you plan to launch a campaign in two search engines at once, just transfer all the information from Google Ads to Bing. This can be done in a few minutes using the built-in tools. If you don't want to do this, create a unique campaign manually. Bing Ads doesn't have automatic bidding strategies to help newbie targeters learn Google Ads. Your marketers will have the option to set the bid manually or choose the option to optimize the cost per conversion. You can also customize your strategy to maximize clicks, conversions, and target price. You will be able to place classic text and product ads, as well as dynamic search ads, but you will not be able to run video ads and videos in apps, as there are no tools for this in the system.


Advertising on Bing is a must-have investment for those who promote their products in the United States. For some market segments, using this system is several times more profitable than Google, while for others, you can use them together to get maximum coverage. Setting up an effective campaign on this search engine is a straightforward task for any experienced targeting specialist. If your target audience lives in the US and is over 45 years old, and you are interested in saving up to 70% on each click, choose Bing and be where your customers are.