The Best E-commerce Ideas for 2024


The field of e-commerce is growing rapidly. At the same time, it grows not by years, but every day. This has been influenced by mass digitization, the pandemic has made its contribution (where without it) and many other related factors. And today it has become much more profitable to do your business online than in the real world. Well, why should a person invest $80,000 to open his own bar, if he can launch his own Internet project for these funds? Exactly. Only when launching his Internet project, he does not need to think about fire safety, rent and other things.

So, let's get back to the topic. What to do and where to start? As we know, the sphere of e-commerce is not just online shops and marketplaces. It is much more extensive and interesting. And in the pursuit of happiness, people come up with amazing things that may look a little strange, but in fact become successful projects. We share with you interesting and promising ideas. Who knows, maybe tomorrow you will develop a successful project based on one of them.


Yes, that's right. When we talk about ideas and projects in e-commerce, we often focus on the younger generation. But we're not the only ones who shop online. Right? The category of elderly people is often forgotten. While in some countries online shopping among the older generation is not so developed, in Europe and America the situation is much more interesting.

No one prevents you from promoting the idea of an online shop or marketplace, which will be tailored to the needs of the older generation, even goods for hobbies and leisure. The main thing is to conduct quality market research in order to identify your target audience and its needs.


Education is always in demand. The demand for it has increased significantly since the first educational platforms appeared. Think of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the overall world situation. If more and more people prefer to study remotely, why not develop this idea? A good, but trivial, option would be to sell training courses. You can go further and create a unique platform that offers narrowly specialized professions and skills. For example, working with epoxy resins or creating moulds from sealant? There are few people who can teach such things, and handmade products are increasingly appreciated and growing in value.

We all have our own unique skills that are the "norm" for us or migrated to a "familiar" format. But for many people, it's something new.


Pets have already become full-fledged members of the family. How about inventing an interesting service for our younger brothers, think what the market has not offered so far? For example, a service to find a "babysitter" for your pet? We all go on business trips, holidays, but not always and not all pets can be taken with us. 

For example, a parrot. Let's take a large Ara or Jaco. If you want, you can try to transport cages and other attributes, traumatizing the bird. Why? Pet sitter can be a solution to your clients' problem and a promising business for you.

Ecosystems and Smart Homes

The official birthdate of the smart home is 1978. But how many people are using it now? The system seems complicated and expensive. Once you explain to your audience that it is not, get your customers.

Proper structure, operation and customer support. Try to find a company that will not just sell you a module for the "smart home", but will also bring you up to speed, tell you, help you pick up something, based on personal experience. Exactly, there are very few of them.

Marketplace for Selling 3D Assets

There are a lot of different stocks with 3D models, textures in the network, but why are you sure you can't do better? You, as a user, can make your resource more convenient, ergonomic, and add new features. Analyse the sites available on the market, identify their weaknesses and improve them on your site.

The Unity team has shown how it can work cool and bring income. Why don't you give it a try too? If you look at the trend of VR/AR technologies, such a site definitely has a future.

Loot Boxes, but With Subscriptions

This idea is simple and straightforward, but original. Many content creators (Marvel, Disney, Warner Bros. and others), release unique boxes by themes. The company releases a box with an interesting staff on a favourite theme. The content of the box remains a secret. The user buys a subscription, gets the box and discovers their surprises.

Why not do the same? Can we replace the merch with a bundle of subscriptions to different services? The profit from such a collaboration is not only for you, but also for other services that will participate.


We have collected a few current ideas that we found interesting. The presented startups and concepts are not all that is in demand around the world. If you think about it, you can find even more different options and concepts for creating new services, apps and resources. There are plenty of ideas, and you know exactly where to turn for development.

22 February 2024
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