How One-Click Shopping Has Changed the World of E-commerce


Today, 97% of online shops offer one-click shopping. This feature was first implemented by Amazon. Back in 2000, they introduced such an option to make shopping on their marketplace easier and more comfortable.

And today we will talk about the one-click option, how important it is, how it has influenced sales, how it has changed the world of digital sales.

Why Has the Option Become So Popular?

Practicality. This applies not only to Amazon Marketplace, but also to all other services that use it. According to statistics, it has proven to be a more effective tool than basic shopping carts.

By the way, the "cart" has a failure rate of up to 70%.

And the "1-click purchase" option reduces the time for doubts and deliberation. This increases sales for shops and marketplaces. The principle of "see — buy" works perfectly. And if you add the factor of practicality to it, the user will also get a pleasant experience, which will increase his loyalty.  

The reason is not only practicality, but also the psychology of a person. Impulsive purchases. Who has not done them? Yes, everyone at least once, but succumbed to this wonderful feeling. The employees of the American marketplace decided to use it as a tool. The general look and design of Amazon disposes to make such impulsive purchases. This can be traced to other marketplaces around the world, including the UK: discounts, promotions, unique offers and other tools increase sales without negative experience for customers.

A website is good, but the trend of recent years is mobile sales through apps or social networks. What to do about it? And this is where Stripe enters the arena.

Stripe? What Is It?

The brand was founded in 2010 and specialized in developing APIs in the field of processing and handling digital payments. And the company offers the market its product called Relay. It later became one of the most popular tools for making purchases through mobile products. Yes, this was all in 2015. On the one hand, it was recent, on the other hand — no one remembers how it started, because shopping through apps became as commonplace as going for bread or registering an individual entrepreneur from your phone.

The company's management realized back then that the sphere of shopping and e-commerce would soon go to mobile devices, and it was necessary to occupy a niche, show and develop their product. What came out of it? The product became one of the most popular in the world and the Relay system is used by many companies. Why? It offers advantages for both developers and clients.

One of them was the pool of currencies that the system accepts — over 135 types. This has helped the product gain popularity from the USA to Vietnam.

Relay and What It Can Do

Simple and easy integration is a key feature of Relay. No registrations, no transitions, no confirmations. Just have a look at this advert.

Yes, Twitter was one of the first to introduce software.

On the screen is just the product and the option to buy — everything the customer needs. The user clicks on the button and gets the opportunity to buy the product right now.

Benefits of Relay for the Merchant

Merchants looking for a payment system will find a number of advantages in Relay:

  • easy customization and integration;
  • retailers or merchants can offer their product to audiences across multiple apps and services;
  • free connection for active Stripe customers;
  • simple order placement: the customer placed an order — the company received it (customer's name/shipping address/mail address) — payment is made;
  • transactions are conducted without retransmission by sellers.

Applications and Services Receive Other Benefits

  • cooperation with Stripe;
  • loyalty from users (because of quality offers and products);
  • advertising generates funds;
  • the app gets a percentage of each sale through advertising.

One single option has changed the market and the e-commerce and sales industry. The most amazing thing is that there are no losers in this situation. Each side of the interaction gets some or the other benefits. The same users and customers got a new, fast and convenient shopping system.


The sphere of e-commerce does not stand still. It is constantly evolving. That is why it is important to follow the industry trends. The example of one-click shopping is just one of many that are available to users and entrepreneurs.

29 February 2024
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