Application Localization. When, With Whom and How to Do It?


Can you imagine life without smartphones? Seems like science fiction, doesn't it? The reality is — a customer doesn't want to be friends with a business if it's inconvenient for them. An app is almost synonymous with convenience. But what if you add localization to it as well? How many extra points do you think you can win over the users if you take care of them that way? More than you expect! Let us tell why localizations are useful and how to work with it for entrepreneurs unfamiliar with the procedure.

Pocahontas also wants localization app into its she language.

Some Numbers

As of today, mobile app statistics show exponential growth. The number of downloads is increasing every day. For example, apps are already being purchased in 150 countries around the world. What does this say? And that you have potential users all over the globe. Sounds mesmerizing, doesn't it? One nuance — the users don't speak your language. Now comes localization.

Interesting Facts

A hot dog eats a hot dog.
  • Reaching 80% of users will require you to localize to 83 languages;
  • 55% of respondents say they are willing to overpay for an app if it includes their native language;
  • In the largest app market in the world — China — 95% of users are "more likely to abandon" an app if it doesn't have a Chinese layout;
  • Apple and Google prioritize those developers who care about user experience through gradual localization.


We hope everyone has understood how it is important to take into account the scaling of a brand through localization. Popularizing a product is a gradual one, you shouldn't rush, nor should you procrastinate. Here's a list of things to do at the very beginning of the journey.

Localization, Not Translation

Let's define the terms. In the standard understanding, translation of an application is a simple modification of text from one language to another. All blocks, including graphical ones, are translated. What is the difference with localization, you may ask? Localization includes full adaptation of the content to the cultural specifics of the region for which the work is being done. Authors immerse themselves in the topic, study the mentality and traditions of the target audience. Translation is putting on trainers, localization is running a marathon.


Step #1 Translate the Description 

This point is essentially a presentation. It is important to the user as a reporting point when getting acquainted with the product. This work starts with the description. After reading a catchy description, there is a very high chance that the application will be installed on a smartphone.

Step #2 Translate the Application

The essence of the process is displayed in the title of the block. In more detail, it is necessary to carry out each item’s adaptation of text and graphics used by the resource. Quality translation here is compiled with regional peculiarities. The user should not only see the information in their native language, but also feel that they are being addressed with the knowledge of the kind of person they are and the country they live in.

A cat strokes a man, and a man strokes a cat.

Step #3 ASO Optimization

If SEO is responsible for optimizing websites, ASO is responsible for mobile apps. If you have taken on localization, you should also work on the App Store and Play Market. Keywords, meta tags, reviews and ratings are given special attention.

Step #4 Localization Author's Experience

Experience should be taken into account if you order localization rather than translation. A professional responsible for localization will not do a great job for a European region if he has never been there and only knows about the European mentality from films like "Euro tour". The translated text must be perceived organically, which is only possible with expertise.

Step #5 Word Length

Going to the cinema for another blockbuster, you may notice that the film's translation is not literal and correct. Words on posters are the same size as the original in all languages. Now you know one of the secrets of proper localization. Consider not whether you will be understood, but also whether the word will match the original.

How Do I Choose a Localizer?

The dictionary says that the word "localizer" doesn't exist. That's not a problem, we'll apply for it. Rules are made to be broken. That's true, but there are some rules that are advisable not to ignore if you want a cool localization: 

  1. Read the track record of the performer, do not hesitate to ask for similar works. Professionals always have them on hand, so here's a tip — be persistent!
  2. Try to speak with the translator in person. Ask him if he has been to the region he will be localizing for. If he is suspicious, it is better not to start work.
  1. Be doubly careful with freelancers. We by no means urge you to ignore their services, but it wouldn't hurt to double-check whether everything is as good as they describe to you. Ultimately, the risk is yours, so vigilance should be yours too. 
  2. It's going to be a long job. Localization is a multi-level process, so try to be patient and if you have trusted someone, don't bother them with the annoying, "Well, when, well, when?".
  3. The main rule is like a mathematical formula: 15 languages = 15 performers!


We are of the opinion that localization in the UK business is only gaining momentum. Our businessmen are gradually gaining courage and entering unfamiliar markets, so the professionals helping them in this process are also getting their first bumps. This wonderful trend is gaining momentum every year and for sure after the UK market the "expansion" of the UK business will start to move towards Asia and the USA. We take our breath away from such prospects, we are sure you will too. So, shall you localize your app together with Brander?

08 February 2024
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